Saturday, February 9, 2008

new crib

so as of today i have been in my first apartment for a week. my rommie katie and i are having a blast so far. basically every piece of furniture we have is hand-me-down, but it gives the place such character (for now). as i write this, i am paying for laundry for the first time in my life... lame! but part of the growing up process, i guess... or something...

lots going on for me, in addition to the apartment... i am playing cello at my church tomorrow! it is my first time playing there, and i am really excited... as well as a little nervous, because i will be playing with some awesome musicians, and in the hearing of some awesome musicians... but it's definitely something the Lord has opened up for me, and i am so excited to be able to worship Him from the stage again. tuesday i have another gig, playing a couple of songs with an up-and-coming artist in christian music, jonny diaz (pronounced dye-az). you can check out his stuff at he has a good thing going, and i'm excited to meet him and be creative for a couple of his songs! later that day i have a session also! it's funny how things come in waves... i feel overwhelmed a bit, but it is all really good stuff!

the Lord continues to keep me very mindful of His incredible goodness all the time... He orchestrates things so perfectly, and although i still struggle with questions over where i am in life right now, i am always able to look back and remember that my God has NEVER failed... for thousands of years past with my brothers and sisters, all 22 of my years on this earth, and all eternity past. wow. there is still pain i deal with daily, but His face outshines it all... He holds me even when i am so, just... stupid. wow.


valerielee said...

congrats on the new crib! he he! oh, and congrats on the new shiftey shift position!

also, btw, thought you might get a kick out of this:

Kelly said...

so how did it go at church?! and with johnny diaz?! I saw an ad for his cd on facebook today and thought of you!!! :-) I love you so much Cara! xoxo